1984-85 - J Pacey and V Grooby - Pairs Winners
2004-05 - G Broadhurst - Under 25 Singles Runner Up
2006-07 and 2007-08 (Lincs team included A Bellamy, S Wade, M Dark, M King and G Haney) - Atherley Trophy Winners
2009-10 - R Allen - Under 25 Singles Runner Up
2010-11 - C Leuty, L Cooke, R Allen and A Bellamy - Fours Winners
2010-11 (Lincs team included S Wade, G Needham, M Dark, A Bellamy, V Bowker, R Allen and G Haney) - Atherley Trophy Winners
2011-12 (Lincs team included M Dark, A Bellamy, G Needham, G Haney, B Deaton, R Simpson and S Wade) - Atherley Trophy Winners
2012-13 (V Bowker, G Needham, B Hurst, G Haney, J Jackson, I Blackman, B Deaton, M Dark, S Wade, P Crampton) - Mason Winners
2014-15 and 2017-18 - C Tomlin - Under 25 Singles Runner Up
2014-15 - R Simpson and A Dunham - Pairs Runners Up
2014-15 - R Simpson, C Tomlin and A Dunham - Triples Runners Up
2015-16 - A Dunham - Singles Winner
2016-17 - R Hill - Under 18 Singles Winner
2016-17 (F Lyon, M Belding, B Deaton, S Wade, J Jackson, J Staples, R Simpson, A Dunham, D Wild, V Bowker, B Hurst, G Haney, R Hill, G Needham, L Catchpole, C Tomlin) - Yetton Trophy Runners Up
2017-18 - R Hill and C Tomlin - Pairs Winners
2017-18 - (Lincs team included G Haney, L Catchpole, B Deaton, L Finbow, S Wade, V Bowker, R Hill and C Tomlin) - Atherley Trophy Winners
2018-19 and 2021-22 - C Tomlin - Two Bowl Singles Winner
2019-20 and 2023-24 - R Hill, C Tomlin and A Dunham - Triples Winners
2019-20 - (Lincs team included R Hill, C Tomlin, J Jackson, M Belding, A Dunham, L Finbow and B Deaton) - Atherley Trophy Winners
2021-22 and 2023-24 - R Hill - Under 25 Singles Winner
2022-23 - (Lincs team included M Belding, J Patterson, B Deaton, R Hill, C Spencer and A Newbury) - Atherley Trophy Winners
Men & Mixed
1978-79 - D G Sands and C Cherry - Pairs Runners Up
1980-81 (Lincs team included B Taylor, J R Wright, B Thorold and P Moore) - Liberty Trophy Winners
1989-90 - K Inglis and R Collins - Mixed Pairs Runners Up
2003-04 (W Hill, M Spencer, G Broadhurst, S Dunham, R Allen, A Bellamy, R Paul, P Simpson) - Under 25 Club Double Rink Winners
2003-04 (Lincs team included M Spencer, S Dunham and P Simpson) - Under 25 County Double Rink Winners
2006-07 (Lincs team included M Spencer and C Leuty) - Under 25 County Double Rink Winners
2009-10 (Re Allen, A Caress, A Dawson, M Spencer, Ch Leuty, B Wilson, A Bellamy, Ca Leuty, Ri Allen) - Under 25 Club Double Rink Winners
2012-13 (Lincs team included C Leuty, M Spencer, M Duncan, A Caress, M Whyers, R Huskisson) - Under 25 County Double Rink Winners
2013-14 - M Whyers, A Caress and G Smith - Triples Winners
2013-14 and 2022-23 - Top Club Runners Up
2013-14 and 2014-15 - J Philpott - Under 18 Singles Runner Up
2014-15 (C Tomlin, M Whyers, R Hill, M Spencer, J Philpott, A Dunham, P Simpson, S Dunham, R Simpson, L Cooke, G Haney, A Caress, G Smith) - Top Club Winners
2015-16 - M Spencer - Singles Winner
2017-18 and 2019-20 - R Hill, C Tomlin, M Spencer and M Orrey - Mixed Fours Winners
2017-18 - G Smith - Two Bowl Singles Winner
2017-18 - M Whyers, G Smith, M Spencer and M Orrey - Fours Winners
2017-18 (Lincs team included G Smith, K Ekins, J Philpott, A Caress, S Dunham, M Spencer, M Whyers, M Orrey and A Dunham) - Liberty Trophy Winners
2018-19 and 2021-22 - G Smith - Champion of Champions Runner Up
2018-19 - C Spencer and M Spencer - Family Pairs Runners Up
2019-20 (C Tomlin, S Harris, R Hill, J Philpott, Andy Dunham, Annie Dunham, M Spencer, J Patterson, L Finbow, G Smith and M Orrey) - Top Club Winners
2019-20 - S Harris and G Smith - Pairs Winners
2021-22 (Lincs team included M Spencer, M Orrey, A Dunham, D McVittie, S Harris, S Lilley, G Smith, J Philpott, E Morton, T Morton, K Ekins and M Dawes) - Liberty Trophy Winners
2021-22 (K Ekins, S Lilley, M Spencer, J Philpott, S Harris, O Jeapes, G Smith, M Orrey, H Mycock, L Parnell, A Dunham, D McVittie, B Martin, M Robertson, E Morton, T Morton, M Simpson) - Denny Cup Winners
2022-23 - A Dunham and D McVittie - Pairs Runners Up
2022-23 (O Jeapes, C Spencer, D McVittie, R Hill, S Harris, J Philpott, D Mills) - Under 30 Inter-Club Double Triples Winners
2023-24 - D McVittie - Champion of Champions Winner
2023-24 (C Spencer, S Harris, A Dunham, D McVittie, J Patterson, G Smith, J Philpott, R Hill, L Harris, M Spencer, M Orrey) - Top Club Winners
2023-24 (Lincs team included J Wells and O Jeapes) - Under 18 Inter-County Double Triples Winners
2023-24 (D Mills, S Harris, J Philpott, O Jeapes, R Hill, C Spencer) - Under 30 Inter-Club Double Triples Winners
2023-24 - D McVittie - Singles Winner
2023-24 (L Parnell, M Simpson, M Spencer, D McVittie, D Mills, O Jeapes, G Smith, M Orrey, K Ekins, N Wilkie, S Lilley, J Philpott, S Harris, B Martin, E Morton, T Morton, J Wells) - Denny Cup Winners
2024-25 - A Dunham and D McVittie - Mixed Pairs Winners